Simplified Command Line Interface

The full pipeline can be run by supplied script. Run thusly: [-h] --sleuth_path SLEUTH_PATH
                   --location_dir LOCATION_DIR
                   --location_name LOCATION_NAME
                   --predict_end PREDICT_END
                   [--mpi_cores MPI_CORES]
                   [--montecarlo_iterations MONTECARLO_ITERATIONS]


-h, --help show this help message and exit
--sleuth_path SLEUTH_PATH
 path to SLEUTH directory
--location_dir LOCATION_DIR
 path to location directory
--location_name LOCATION_NAME
 name of location
--mpi_cores MPI_CORES
 number of cores available for MPI, if 0 (default) don’t use MPI
--predict_end PREDICT_END
 ending year of prediction interval
--montecarlo_iterations MONTECARLO_ITERATIONS
 monte carlo iterations